
Dortmunder Nachtschicht 2022

Eine Reportage des Teams Internationaler Express -- Zwei Tschechen auf einem deutschen Rätselspiel. Ich nahm im 2019 auf meine erste Dortmunder Nachtschicht, und damit auch auf meinem ersten deutschen Rätselspiel, teil. Dann kam Covid und online Rätselspiele. Aber dieses Jahr ist es endlich wieder so weit und die Rätselspiele finden auch im Outdoor statt. Also ich konnte mit Kuba am Wochenende den 7. bis 8. Mai unter unseren üblichen Team-Namen Internationaler Express an der Dortmunder Nachtschicht teilnehmen. Ursprünglich wollten wir nicht nur zu zweit gehen. Aber keiner von unseren Teammitgliedern aus vorherigen deutschen Rätselspielen hatte Zeit. Wir sind keine Neulinge, was Rätselspiele angeht, wir spielen schon seit mehr als zehn Jahren und jeder von uns absolvierte bereits dutzende Rätselspiele. Aber wir wissen sehr gut, dass mehr Köpfe mehr Ideen haben und ein "zákys" (ein tschechischer Slangbegriff zwischen Rätselspieler*innen für die Situation, wenn ein Team ein R...

Hair story

It is not a late 1st April joke. I've cut my hair short for real! This is how long it was just today morning.  I've never had such long hair before. Sure, it's partly because of covid -- I've had my last haircut about a year ago, just one or two weeks before the first lockdown. But I was letting my hair grow for years. So why I've cut them now? Because it takes a lot of time and a lot of water to wash them. It takes even more time to dry them. Because they are always getting in the way. You can't eat or brush your teeth without making at least a ponytail first. Because my new chair has support for the head which does not work with most of my usual hairstyles.  I can't even sleep with loose hair, because I would pull them all the time.  Because of windy weather. Or rainy weather (try to put a hood over a ponytail). Or cold weather (not every hairstyle goes together with a cap). Or hot weather (just too hot). So basically any weather. Most of the time you spen...

Auf Deutsch leben

The last week was busy, because I have moved into my new flat (finally!). What does it have in common with the German language? Surprisingly, quite a lot - I hardly ever used an English word during the last week. And what for a week it was! Freitag Umzug nach der neue Wohnung Friday was the day, when I planned to move into the new flat. But arranging a meeting with the landlord was difficult, even though I managed to catch him on the phone.  Making a formal phone call in German  P He just told me that he will let me know.  Thursday evening came, and I still didn’t get any message from the landlord, let alone the contract. I have to say at this point that my new flatmate is a psychologist. My favorite message from her is “Kein Stress. Alles wird gut.” So I moved into the flat on Friday morning, without having any contract and just hoping that this time it really will be “alles gut”. When I came, there were just a few pieces of furniture in the roo...

Moving to Dortmund

I have moved to Dortmund just a week ago. The last days were quite busy:  I have managed to solve a big portion of the bureaucracy, I have met with my new supervisor for the first time - he is really nice -, and I have moved to a flat with great people. If this is what you want to hear, then stop reading right here :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Everything written above is true, but there is a catch in it. For almost two months, I believed that I had arranged a fully furnished room in a WG ( Wohngemeinschaft -  shared flat ) in Dortmund, and that all what have to be done after arriving in Dortmund is to unpack my luggage and buy some food. So I planned to come in Dortmund on Saturday, only two days before the start of my PhD. But because of some bureaucracy, I had to visit Dortmund on the Wednesday before. And that's when it all have started. I tried to reac...

How to get a "Führungszeugnis"

Führungszeugnis is a german word for a criminal record certificate, also called certificate of conduct (výpis z rejstříku trestů). I wanted to get maximum from my one-moth-long internship at the Max-Planck Institute in Bonn. So I tried to prepare everything for moving to Dormund in advance during the summer holidays. But just two hours before leaving home, I got an email from a secretary that she needs a copy of my Bachelor degree (it was an answer to my email sent 3 weeks before that). So I spent the last two hours in Prachatice by running around the town and trying to find someone who would be able to make a certified copy of my diploma with an embossed seal. I was quite surprised to be successful and to catch my bus to Prague. After this episode, I was convinced that I have all the required documents. Four days later, already in Bon, I got another email from another secretary. She wanted a copy of my Bachelor and Master degree, too, but except for that, she also wanted a transla...